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Tiny Teeth

''My smiley, happy baby turned into the most miserable, uncomfortable and fed up bundle, it wasn't until she let me look in her mouth I saw she has three teeth breaking through the gum at once''
Summer was whisked away at birth and while in the neonatal unit had lots of different tests.
Infact she had so much care I had to read her red baby book daily to keep up to date with all the care she had received.
Amongst all the medical, technical care it seemed we had missed out one crucial check. Summer's 6 week check up hadn't been done, she ended up having her 6 week check up at 13 weeks old at our GP.
We had also been sent an appointment in the post for a new born hearing test. Off we went to Edgware hospital for Summer's new born hearing test.
Sitting patiently waiting to be called in, surrounded by at least 10 screaming new born babies while mine was fast asleep in her car seat being fed through her tube at the same time. We were called in when the nurse looked thrilled to see Summer was asleep. We ended up running over our appointment time and having a double appointment as Summer's results were looked at. More bad news awaited us.. ''we aren't sure Summer can hear at all in her left ear'' said the nurse.. This can't be I thought, she hears everything I thought, she's already got so much going on and now this.
The nurse was fantastic and so understanding, she informed us we were going to be referred to Nuffield Hospital in London for further hearing tests.
Up & out early as our appointment day arrived - this time taking my mum with us, I was so nervous. For a minute I felt like i'd gone back in time, such an old fashioned, quirky place. We were called in to our appointment and put into this isolated, blacked out room full of sensory lights. The lady came in and wired Summer up while she was asleep. The test took close to an hour. After the test, before we were given any results we had to see the paediatrician upstairs, she done lots of physical checks on Summer, then revealed Summer has glue ear. 
Glue ear is common in babies with a cleft palates. Ears, nose & throat are all linked. Glue ear is where the inner ear isn't draining fluid causing muffling in the ear and hearing is affected. We were told Summer will grow out of glue ear however if her hearing is still muffled when she's 12 months old, when she goes in to have her operation they may fit grommets at the same time as her cleft repair. She is due another hearing test soon so fingers crossed. Grommets help to drain fluid in the inner ear to help air and noise flow.
At the age of 6 months old we had an appointment with Summer's paediatrician at Great Ormond Street hospital. She checked Summer's head control and general well being of her development so far. She was very happy with her progress. Alongside the paediatrician was a cleft nurse and a dental nurse.
Pierre Robin sequence is made up of three significant things: A cleft palate, A small set back jaw and a tongue that slips back over the airway obstructing it.
Because of the small set back jaw there is a chance teeth can develop crooked teeth. We were told its important to brush teeth as soon as they develop.
With Summer having a chesty cough, a runny nose and constant drool hanging from her lips we realised she must be teething. First came two bottom teeth that started to show and gradually make their way up through the gums, and now at almost 8 months old she has some top teeth coming through.
Plenty of calpol on hand for those temperatures and cold like symptoms of teething and lots and lots of TLC as always makes the perfect medicine.
Just over a week go my smiley, happy baby turned into the most miserable, uncomfortable and fed up bundle, it wasn't until she let me look in her mouth I saw she has three top teeth breaking through the gum at once. 
Because Summer is currently nil by mouth I give her tiny blobs of bonjela to release some of the pain, also with it being sugary she loves the taste of it. She has lots of chew friendly toys that I put into the fridge so they're nice and cold giving her relief from her teeth coming through.
Gently brushing her teeth also helps look after them from the minute they develop, so much so, she tried to brush her own teeth because I mean she's far too independent already for me (her mum) to brush them.
Other than having cold like symptoms and being grizzly for a few days I must say she has handled teething well so far. A possible 5 teeth before Christmas and a visit from our dietician nurse in a few days, lets hope we can come up with a plan of letting her taste more things and start gently weaning again so she can potientally enjoy a teeny taste of a Christmas roast on her first Christmas.
Hearing test story to be continued...
My brave girl,
Thanks for reading Tiny Teeth.
Jessica x

Summer's Story 

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